Overview of Charge Trees

Use the Charge Trees screen to set up and maintain charges for your system.

Charge Trees are an important concept within Deltek Time & Expense. They determine how charges are presented and authorized. Like the rest of the system, Charge Trees are very flexible. The structure of charges can change between systems and even within a Charge Tree.

Note: See Charge Trees in the Deltek Time Collection Getting Started Guide for more information.

An interface displays that creates the charge trees and authorizations. The structure of the trees are as follows:

  • Tree - Type of Charge (Contract, B&P, IR&D, WIP)
  • Branch - Main Charge Number (XXXX)   
  • Charges (XXXX-XXX) - Charges with a contract work force will have restrictions at the charge level for the appropriate employees. You must manually create and maintain charge trees in the system for overhead and leave.
If you are running Costpoint version 4 or greater, you can create the following charge trees when using the Costpoint Download to Time Collection interface application:
  • Home Org
  • Client
  • Project Account Group
  • Project Classification

If you are running Costpoint version 5 or greater, you can create the following charge trees when using the Costpoint Download to Time Collection interface application:

  • Home Org
  • Client
  • Project Account Group
  • Project Classification
  • Company

You must first determine from where the charge tree comes. The valid options include the following:

  • Home Org
  • Client
  • Project Account Group
  • Project Classification
  • Company ID

Then you must select the top-level branches. The valid options include the following:

  • Home Org
  • Client
  • Project Account Group
  • Project Classification
  • Company ID
  • Project (Top Level)

If project is not the top-level branch, it will be the next level. You must decide whether the project structure should be extended below the top level. If you select this option, branches below the project level will exist, depending on the project structure.

If you do not extend the project structure below the first level, all project charges for a specific top-level project are charges within the project's top-level branch. Projects that have a project work force have restrictions at the charge level for the appropriate employees. You must manually create and maintain charge trees in the system for overhead, leave, and other non-project accounts.